Sunday, May 19, 2013

Something smells....but not like Violets!

Today was not a beautiful sun shiny day!  The joys of living in the Adirondack area is that the weather changes quickly.  It was cold, windy and just about to rain, but I dragged my butt outside to pick violets.  Due to Memorial Day, and working in a deadline oriented business, I am looking at working solid for the next week, so it was pretty much now or never.  Plus, I still don't want to do housework! 

Wild Violets, one of my other favorite flowers!

Yesterday, I got a bit of a sunburn on the right hand side of my neck and shoulder, I need to remember in the future to rotate what angle I pick flowers at so the burn is even on each side.  Today, It was about moving sticks so when you plop down in the middle of the flowers you don't get impaled!
We are lucky to have tons of wild violets on our property.
In the spring, hubby is kind enough to mow around!

My tip for the lazy person is to just sit down and scoot around while picking ground flowers, bending and twisting is too much like exercise!  So, while with lilacs it was all about reaching up, today with violets it was all about finding a comfortable seat where I can still reach lots of flowers. I'm glad I don't work in a factory or on a farm because I would get fired quickly, even with impending rain it took me so long to fill the mason jar, and I wouldn't call it 'full'. If my hubby hadn't come out to work in the yard as well, I would have gotten one of the mini-jars and called it a day. Then, after all that work the violets didn't smell 'flowery' they smelled 'earthy'. So, I guess I just made an 'earthy' scented blend....oh, well!
Well, my husband was going to mow here anyway, I just helped flatten the area.

The Lazy Diva's 'Earthy' Violet Oil Mix  

1) Cram Violets into a Mason Jar

2) While adding flowers 'bruise' them and pack them in with a spoon.

3) Add 1/2 a cup of Sweet Almond Oil.

4) Stir, bruise, blend, slap a cap on and shake it up

Now, just like the lilacs in the previous blog, you keep it warm, out of sun, and shake it everyday for a week. Then you put it in a dark spot for two weeks, wait, drain, strain, and re-contain (in a dark bottle or bottles).

So, there you go, two blogs of making scented oils, I figured I'd get them out while the flowers were still in bloom.  Thanks to all those that have checked out the blog so far, I've started a facebook page too, so if you've enjoyed it so far... please 'like' my page.
Next up, I'm thinking of making something for the bath... 

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